Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Cheese Danish skip #2 go to #3: A little tribute to my friend Amanda

Since the my last blog I have attempted cheese danishes twice. Neither were perfect, but my very last attempt was acceptable to me. I loved the taste, however my puff pastry dough attempts are no good. I am making a passing grade, but it just ain't good enough for me! It's frustrating because I have no idea what I am doing wrong or if I am even doing anything wrong! Okay, so my second attempt left the dough a little crunchy and, quite honestly, I  didn't want to make dough ever again after that, but my friend Amanda Brouillette is moving to Arkansas and she informed me that I had to make cheese danishes for her road trip there. On my third attempt I decided to use a different dough recipe for these. This came out helpful and delicious, although I still had the same issues with the dough being too sticky to handle. I did use the same recipe for the cream cheese filling that I had used before because it is quite delicious. You will notice I got a little creative the last time and I added some fruit in the danishes, this turned out to be a good choice! So here is my third attempt and my tribute :)

After an extremely long process of making the dough here it is, laminated and all.

The strawberries in the filling has such an amazing taste. it really spreads throughout all the filling.

As my friend Amanda said "I just got a burst of blueberries in my mouth!" lol

The way they look as they cook really makes my think they arent going to come out looking "together".

I think with the dough my problem may be that i may need to pound the butter much more thin.

They looked acceptable though. Everyone seemed to like them :) Amanda especially: I hope you enjoy them on your road trip!

Now for my tribute, some pics from the past and present.

Myself, Kristin Y., Brooke, and Amanda after a Starbucks bible study

July 2010

♥Amanda, myself, and Kermesha August 2010♥ visiting my friend Kermesha on her last day with starbucks:(

Yeah so Amanda and my friend Kristin S. stole my camera and I got this.

And this! lol Kristin S. and Amanda

Amanda, me, and Kristin Y. at Central Perk Coffee, Just hanging out talking about Jesus! October 2010

Starbucks girls at Kristin Y. birthday tea :) Kristing Y., Amanda, me, Brooke, and Hollie October 2010

At my 25th birthday (Cheesecake Bistro). Brooke, myself, Amanda, and Kristin Y.  March 2011

Just today saying farewell to Amanda on her last day of work and the last time I see her for a while in LA :(

August 21st 2011 Me, Misty, Mrs. Christie, and Amanda. Already missed! ♥ my co-workers


Okay, so I will revisit the cheese danish for perfection's sake, but for now I think it is time to move on! I must find something a little easier for this go round. I'll have to decide later cause I'm baked out!!

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