Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Cheese Danish #1: Only a Minor Fail

Okay, so as much as it pains me to say this, i did fail on the cheese danishes. The good news? I know why I failed! So first here is the recipe brought to you by Joe Pastry. He does a really nice detailed job on how to make puff pastries and I am super thankful for it! By the way I did these over a span of three days, somewhat due to procrastination and somewhat to difficulty.
Looks a little off, don't it?

My first mistake was that somehow I messed up my dough consistency, not sure how, but i WILL correct this on my second attempt. 
Yeah, so i had to use a baby bottle to measure out 1 ounce, I could not find anything else to measure out a single ounce! Thankfully me and my friend Chelsea were babysitting my friends baby that night!
There they are in the background :)
Cultured butter...REALLY! Wow, this process was scary, but it ended up not being the point at which I failed. I had a hard time finding a tapered (Chinese) rolling pin which is necessary in the butter culturing process. When I went over to my friends house, on the 4th of July, he had one!!! They told me they thought they had gotten it from Whole Foods Market, but I borrowed it. This was such great news! I rushed over to whole foods the next day and was pleasantly surprised that they did have them, so do I!

My second mistake was that my friend and I decided that the dough probably needed to be flattened some more since (our logic was) it was going to puff up in the baking process. Big mistake! I made two without flattening it, but the rest of the batches from here on were ruined :(

 This is the second batch with the bad dough.

Some good news is that the toughest critics in the world found the danishes to be delicious (as well as myself)! My friend Dana and her children were the merciless, but thankfully kind critics. lol

My friend Dana feeding the willing critic ;)

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